GEV Wind Power Logo White

about GEV Wind Power

GEV Wind Power are the global market leader in the provision of blade related maintenance work including inspection & repair, retrofits and turbine paint repair, delivered through rope access techniques and working platforms.

Our role is critical in supporting wind power generation, where we are the market leader for maintaining one of the key components, the rotor blades.

In the event that the blades become damaged or simply lose their structural integrity through erosion from natural elements, their efficiency and ability to produce power reduces dramatically. It is our utmost priority to ensure the blades keep their profile and are optimum for producing electricity.

wind blade inspection, wind blade repair, wind turbine maintenance

Contact Us

UK Headquarters:

+44 (0) 1482 300 640

Unit 23 Priory Tec Park,
Hessle, East Riding
of Yorkshire, HU13 9PB

US Headquarters:

+1 817 662 7419

2751 Northern Cross Blvd,
Suite 313, Fort Worth,
TX 76137

EU Headquarters:

+48 (575) 281 393

Cukrowa 20c street,
71-004 Szczecin