HSE Policy

GEV Group & its subsidiary company’s recognise that there is a duty to safeguard the Health, Safety & Welfare of all employees and those impacted by our activities and for the protection of the environment including the prevention of pollution.
We shall continually comply with all relevant legal and other requirements associated with the organisation’s aspects pertaining to Health, Safety, and the Environment.

What we stand for

GEV Group is committed to promoting high standards on Health, Safety, and the protection of the environment in the execution of its activities and which includes the following commitment:

  • To provide safe & healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related injury and Ill health to employees and sub-contractors and damage to property,
  • To eliminate hazards and minimise HS&E risks by adequately assessing risk and execute work activities with due consideration for Health, Safety, and the Environment,
  • To set HS&E objectives and continually monitor these,
  • To provide consultation and encourage participation of workers and where they exist workers representatives,
  • To encourage and maintain the interest and the support of all its employees in matters of Health, Safety, and the Environment,
  • To provide employees with such information, instruction, training, and supervision as is necessary to secure their and others Health and Safety at work
  • To progressively improve the company’s HSE performance

Our Approach

GEV Group is committed to achieving high levels of health, safety and environmental control and have developed Health, Safety and Environmental Management Systems in accordance with the requirements of ISO45001 and 15014001, to reduce and control health, safety and environmental risks and impacts. 

All employees are empowered, to challenge unsafe practices where it is considered that safety or the protection of the environment is being compromised, to implement our company Health, Safety, and Environment culture and to support it by carrying out effective risk assessments for all work and by promptly reporting any near misses, incidents, and injuries if they occur. 

GEV Group recognises the important role that all employees can achieve in contributing to the overall efforts in reducing occupational accidents, illnesses at work and effects on the environment and assist in achieving high standards of health, safety and environmental management and encourage all personnel to be actively involved in the ownership, maintenance, and continual improvement of the Management System. 

It is every employee’s responsibility to take reasonable care of their own health and safety and to take reasonable care not to put other people -fellow employees and members of the public -at risk by what they do or do not do in the course of their work. To co-operate with GEV Group by following the company health and safety policies and not to interfere with or misuse anything that has been provided for their health, safety or welfare. 

The Chief Executive Officer has the overall responsibility to ensure the provision of suitably competent resources to support and monitor the management systems, for the setting of annual HS&E objectives and the annual review of this policy for its continued effectiveness and for ensuring the communication of its requirements .